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Brutal As Hell Reviews ‘Dead Hooker In A Trunk’

It sounds straight away like the set-up to a joke, so I might as well do the synopsis as such… So there’s these twin sisters. One of them’s a badass, and one of them’s a geek. The badass has a BFF who’s a junkie, whilst the geek is chummy with a goody-two shoes who... Reviews ‘Dead Hooker In A Trunk’

After much hype and a long road, I finally found my way to a copy of the Soska Sisters’ inaugural film, Dead Hooker in a Trunk. You’ve all seen it by now, so this review might be moot. But I’m writing it anyway. Dead Hooker in a Trunk is an everyday cautionary tale of... Reviews ‘Dead Hooker In A Trunk’

Canadian identical twin sisters Sylvia and Jen Soska are on one hell of a roll.  In their 2009 indie directorial debut, Dead Hooker in a Trunk, four friends find a dead prostitute in the trunk of their car and set out on a crazy road trip to dispose of the body before... Review ‘Dead Hooker In A Trunk’

As cheap, meretricious and disposable as its titular character, this countercultural road movie is a puerile mishmash of low-rent clichés and in-your-face transgression. See a film with a title like Dead Hooker in a Trunk, and you know you are in for some wilfully...

Twitch Reviews ‘Dead Hooker In A Trunk’

Who says Punk is dead? For those of you who are sick and tired of youth focused DIY cinema equating to eighty five minutes of twenty something slackers from Williamsburg or Austin mumbling about their feelings in dimly lit kitchens while Sufjan Stevens croons in the...